Monday, March 17.

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    The components of a physical theory

    According to what's stated in the book (Philosophy of the quantum mechanics), at least there are two components which are: : (1) an abstract formalism F and (2) a set R of rules of correspondence.

    The formalism F, the logical skeleton of the theory, is a deductive, usually axiomatized calculus devoid of any empirical meaning;'' it contains, apart from logical constants and mathematical expressions, nonlogical (descriptive) terms, like "particle" and "state function," which, as their name indicates, do not belong to the vocabulary of formal logic but characterize the specific content of the subject under discussion. Although the names of these nonlogical terms are generally highly suggestive of physical significance, the terms have no meaning other than that resulting from the place they occupy in the texture of F; like the terms "point" or "congruent" in Hilbert's axiomatization of geometry they are only implicitly defined. Thus F consists of a set of primitive formulae, which serve as its postulates, and of other formulae which are derived from the former in accordance with logical rules. The difference between primitive terms in F, which are undefined, and nonprimitive terms, which are defined by the former, should not be confused with the difference between theoretical terms and observational terms, which will now be explained.

    To learn more go the page 10 of the previous book.

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