Tuesday, March 18.

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    This book proposes a new formulation of the main concepts of Theoretical Physics. Rather than offering an interpretation based on exotic physical assumptions (additional dimension, new particle, cosmological phenomenon,…) or a brand new abstract mathematical formalism, it proceeds to a systematic review of the main concepts of Physics, as Physicists have always understood them: space, time, material body, force fields, momentum, energy… and propose the right mathematical objects to deal with them, chosen among well-grounded mathematical theories. Proceeding this way, the reader will have a comprehensive, consistent and rigorous understanding of the main topics of the Physics of the XXI° century, together with many tools to do practical computations. After a short introduction about the meaning of Theories in Physics, a new interpretation of the main axioms of Quantum Mechanics is proposed. It is proven that these axioms come actually from the way mathematical models are expressed, and this leads to theorems which validate most of the usual computations and provide safe and clear conditions for their use, as it is shown in the rest of the book. Relativity is introduced through the construct of the Geometry of General Relativity, from 5 propositions and the use of tetrads and fiber bundles, which provide tools to deal with practical problems, such as deformable solids. A review of the concept of motion leads to associate a frame to all material bodies, whatever their scale, and to the representation of motion in Clifford Algebras. Momenta, translational and rotational, are then represented by spinors, which provide a clear explanation for the spin and the existence of anti-particles. The force fields are introduced through connections, in the framework of gauge theories, which is here extended to the gravitational field. It shows that this field has actually a rotational and a transversal component, which are masked under the usual treatment by the metric and the Levy-Civita connection. A thorough attention is given to the topic of the propagation of fields with interesting results, notably to explore gravitation. The general theory of lagrangians in the application of the Principle of Least Action is reviewed, and two general models, incorporating all particles and fields are explored, and used for the introduction of the concepts of currents and energy-momentum tensor. Precise guidelines are given to find solutions for the equations representing a system in the most general case. The topic of the last chapter is discontinuous processes. The phenomenon of collision is studied, and we show that bosons can be understood as discontinuities in the fields. The book is available in printed version on Amazon.

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