Some History and Some Philosophy concerning Early Quantum Chemistry
Some History and Some Philosophy
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Ballhausen, Carl J. |
1932- Prof. Emeritus, formerly: University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Also to be found at this website, click here. |
C.J. Ballhausen: Quantum Mechanics and Chemical Bonding in Inorganic Complexes. J. Chem. Ed. 56, 215-218 (1979). |
50 KB | Carl J. Ballhausen cannot be reached. | An excellent historical article - prime! |
Coulson, Charles A. |
1910-1974 For the Coulson page on this website : click here. |
C.A. Coulson: Present State of Molecular Structure Calculations. Revs. Mod. Phys. 32, 170-177 (1960). |
50 KB | One of the rare occasions where quantum chemists speak/spoke out. | |
Del Re, Giuseppe |
1932- Cattedra di Chimica teorica, Università di Napoli «Federico II» For an interview of this website with G. Del Re : click here. |
G. Del Re: Ontological Status of Molecular Structure. HYLE, 4, 81-103 (1998). |
50 KB | G. Del Re may be reached via e-mail : | G. Del Re has published in quantum chemistry as well as in philosphy. |
Gavroglu, Kostas |
194x- Kostas Gavroglu is Professor of History of Science at the University of Athens, Greece. |
For publications see under Gavroglu's Faculty page. |
50 KB | Gavroglu's Faculty page. University of Athens, Greece. | K. Gavroglu is a well-known name in the history and philosophy of science. For other excellent articles connected to the sense of this page look here. |
Hall, George G.
1925- Hall is active prof. emerit. at Nottingham University, UK. |
Computational Quantum Chemistry - then and now. (1990) The Lennard-Jones paper of 1929 and the foundations of Molecular Orbital Theory. For other interesting publications see Hall's autobiography here. |
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G.G. Hall in this article looks thoughtfully back at 50 years of
computational chemistry. G.G. Hall is also not forgetten for his method which should be named Hall-Roothaan-Method. |
Peyerimhoff, Sigrid D.
1937- |
S.G. Peyerimhoff: The Development of Computational Chemistry in Germany. |
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S.D. Peyerimhoff's
faculty page. If their server isn't overstressed - consider it your lucky day. |
A good addition to the articles by K. Gavroglu and A. Simoes. |
Simões , Ana |
196x- A. Simões is Assistant Professor at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. Also to be found at this website, click here. |
See directly under : Publications on Simoes' Faculty page - click here. A. Simões in 1993 has done a thesis, Converging trajectories, diverging traditions: Chemical bond, valence, quantum mechanics and chemistry, 1927-1937. |
50 KB | Ana Simões' Faculty page in English at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. |
For an excellent article connected to the sense of this page read: K. Gavroglu & A. Simões: Issues in the History of Theoretical and Quantum Chemistry, 1927-1960. - here. And then don't miss that one: A. Simões & K. Gavroglu: The Americans, the Germans, and the beginnings of quantum chemistry : The confluence of diverging traditions. here. Including pictures some 400 KB. |
Sokal, Alan
19xx- | Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity | 50 KB |
THE famous provacative article of 1996 is something to make up one's mind about ... If you don't know it - you actually should ... |
Urey, Harold C. |
1893-1981 Managing Editor Journal of Chemical Physics. |
Opening Editorial of the Journal of Chemical Physics Volume 1, Number 1, January 1933. |
50 KB | That's how they saw it in 1933 - still worth reading today. | |
Wiberg, Kenneth B. |
presently unknown Prof. around 1970 at Yale University |
Molecular Orbital Calculations and
Organic Chemistry. - - 1970 - - |
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Critical view regarding QC, from a famous organic chemist in 1970. |
Ma, Buyong |
?? Graduate Student University of Georgia. 1995. |
The Philosophy of Computational Quantum Chemistry.
Ph.D. Dissertation at the
University of Georgia. 1995. |
50 KB |
Sometimes this server appears to be blocked (Error 403 Forbidden). Now, since the article under consideration here IS, or has been, public you may get it from a the Google ® PUBLIC ARCHIVE right here. Note: Also blocked since Nov 13, 2002!! - So you may get it also from my archive. Or get the original from my archive. |
{Note of this website : I hesitated to include this article.}
Fairly strange - isn't it!!!???? |
Giunta, C.J. | ~ 1962- | C. Giunta operates a website where one can get brief copies of Langmuir's, Kossel's, and others' classical papers, and he is Co-Editor of Foundations of Chemistry. He also gives good links to other sites, the link-title being : Other web sites on (mainly) the History of Chemistry, History of Science, and Scientific Biography. | 50 KB | C.J. Giunta's short CV at the Faculty Page of the Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY, USA. | Some interesting connections to the early classics of the chemical bond. |
Scerri, Eric | 1953 - | Eric R. Scerri is presently a lecturer at UCLA in chemistry, and he is Editor-in-Chief of Foundations of Chemistry, a journal dedicated, in it's own words, to "Philosophical, Historical, Educational and Interdisciplinary Studies of chemistry." | 50 KB | Eric R. Scerri,
Faculty page,
Scerri's publication list may also be found there. |
Two interesting pieces to get the flavor of Scerri's ideas: Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? - JCE Nov. 2000 - PDF - 74 KB Philosophy of Chemistry—A New Interdisciplinary Field? - JCE Dec. 2000 - PDF - 39 KB Another interesting link to this topic might also be this one. |
Gill, Peter M. W. | ~ 1963- |
1927 - 1993 |
50 KB | Peter M. W. Gill is Prof. of Theoretical Chemistry. He may be found under his Faculty Page at Nottingham University. |
History in another mode of presentation - educating and entertaining. Some DFT'ists might object, yet, as Daudel once answered to this website: "It's published, you know". |
H.-G. Gadamer (1900-2002), Prof. of Philosophy, Heidelberg (Germany). |
Here for a limited period (untill I need the space otherwise) a short clipping of a lecture (7 min) concerning philosophy and modern natural sciences. The language is synchronized Italian, very clear, so it should be understandable to all romanic language speaking people. Origin: RAI-edu-cultura. 13 MB. Compressed in MPEG4, no streaming, needs e.g. M$ Media Player 7.1 or better. |
Dec. 2002 |
Karl Popper (1902-1994). |
Here for a limited period (untill I need the space otherwise) a short clipping of a lecture (4 min) (< 1989) concerning biological life and values. The language is synchronized Italian, very clear, so it should be understandable to all romanic language speaking people. Origin: RAI-edu-cultura. 24 MB. Compressed in MPEG4, no streaming, needs e.g. M$ Media Player 7.1 or better. For low speed people: 1.6 MB,[MPEG4, compressed with DivX5 codec] - Popper says something about politics. |
Dec. 2002 |
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